Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Long Road

My father had been in the hospital during Thanksgiving with an infection and once released, was on home care.  I was trained by the nurses to change his IV bag, tubes, and to reset his digital pump daily.  Hence, the reason I've not been here for a while with managing two households.  I've been a little busy. But the six weeks are up today and we're all celebrating - my parents are especially since they've been practically housebound for that entire time.  But to be honest about it, I'm going to miss the drive from the southernmost end of Plain township to  Green.  every day.  I had a 20 minute drive - but I made it in 15 minutes on New Year's - no traffic! 

The 'back way' consisted of omitting Cleveland avenue in favor of Whipple North to Shuffel,  Where I ended up was Aultman Avenue, State Street, then Boston Avenue. I love Boston Avenue.  That's where the above picture was taken shortly before Christmas.  The flatness of the land around Boston is, for me, wonderfully reflective of the farmland where I once lived when I taught in Arkansas.  That's a different story. For someone whose has half her family coming from Ireland via West Virginia, it's a little ironic that I found solace in the flatness of the land, but there was a peacefulness about it.  I also found some introspection and inspiration. 

No doubt those seeds sown during this time will eventually find their way to the surface when the time is right.  Maybe they will appear in a painting or possibly a poem.  The possibilities are endless. 

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