Monday, December 4, 2017

Osmosis and You

Many things naturally occur by osmosis, but learning isn’t one of them. In particular, good writing doesn’t happen by osmosis- it’s not a virus one can catch by sitting next to someone who writes well.  Neither can one catch it by simply coming to every guild meeting.
Good writing takes effort, time, and a willingness to learn – the ability to take instruction is key.
It is up to members what their “take-away” is for each meeting.  Up until now we have not offered any instruction on the basics other than the offered programs at various meetings through the year.  The membership as a whole is writing on many levels and we do try to offer a variety of programs to appeal to all levels.  It’s a juggling act.
The dilemma here is that beginning writers don’t know what they don’t know, and some not enough to ask for instruction.
First stories, while a celebration and milestone for the new writer are still just that - first stories, practice - and never meant for publication.  They are something to get ‘under your belt’.  They are a true learning experience.
For every writer the key is to practice.  While some people come to writing with innate talent, writing is still a craft and that means it CAN be learned.
First story, second story, drafts and prompts – no writing is ever “wasted time” as long as you are learning and growing from those.
You will get out of this exactly what you put into it.

Good writing to you all.

3' x 3' oil painting I did at my mom's this summer.  This was my first landscape painting - ever.  It was a learning experience.