Sunday, November 17, 2013

Seduced by a bad idea

Seduced by a Bad Idea

I didn’t see it coming

She snuck up from behind

Temptation so great

I was out of my mind.

She tapped on my shoulder

And tugged at my heart

I should have seen it coming:

bad news from the start.

Persistent, petite, and smiling,

She wouldn’t let it rest

And the way she talked

She made perfect sense.

She insisted that all would be well,

My decision I wouldn’t regret

I had to have been touched in the head

Indeed, this no one would soon forget.

She pushed all the right buttons

I should have declined

But she still seemed to be

a good idea at the time.

                                                                           Artist/Author's note: the drawing came first, with the title, then the  poem came to be.  This picture was taken out of my sketch book, and only now I'm considering painting this in oils.  I think I've decided I don't like acrylics since I'm more of a planner.

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