Thursday, June 12, 2014

We Need Each Other

June column for The Greater Canton Writers’ Guild Newsletter

We need each other. The act of writing is a solitary endeavor and in that process we have a tendency to cut ourselves off from the world in order to pursue that which drives us. Do we have support networks at home? Some of us may but if I may hazard a guess, I would say that they are tentative at best if your spouse or significant other is not a writer or another creative. No one understands a writer like another writer. To others around us we may seem a little “off” marching to our own drummer..  But that’s okay, for we’re all weird in our own way here at the Guild.  Really.  This is your support network. Right here.

No matter our different personalities, backgrounds, genres or whether we’re writing novels, short stories or poetry, we all have one thing in common: the written word. And that unifies us.  There’s a sense of kindred spirits when we all come together and many, many times after our meetings, I come home energized and on a creative high simply by being with other writers and sharing ideas. You understand that. Most people would have no clue about creative highs. Writers’ think differently and that sets us apart from the rest of the people in our lives.  Because of that, being different in our own spheres, we do need each other for support.   Many, months ago I was told that the Guild didn't meet often enough.   Critique night meetings are a definite plus.  There’s no program on those nights, instead it is face to face writing, and talking about your writing.  It’s a great support system.  This is where you will get feedback on your writing and where we help each other.  Hope to see you all there this month!
Happy writing.

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