Not All Words Are Created Equal
A plumb line is an old workman’s tool that was used to
determine straight vertical lines. It was the standard. Without that plumb line
to guide him, the buildings that were built would not have been exactly
vertical and would eventually fall down.
In all other areas of our culture, we applaud standards. We
need standards – in law, medicine, agriculture, and construction. And if we’re
good parents, we want to know what’s in the movies, video games, and tv
programming before we allow our children to watch them. So why is it that we
reject them here?
As adults, we will also be held responsible for what we
digest in the form of entertainment, music, and what we read. Words matter no
matter what form they are in.
When there are no standards, no absolutes, there is no
consistency in anything.
When there are no standards for which to judge anything, we
end up relying on our feelings - the most volatile, subjective, ego-centric,
and temperamental of all the human traits. Left up to the individual, no one
would be able to agree with each other on anything of importance.
Isn't the point of writing to communicate to the widest
audience possible? A writer cannot do that if his writing cannot be read and
understood clearly due to slang words, bad grammar, poor spelling, and using
offensive language - such as unnecessary profanity. Most people would read the
first line or two and stop if they had to wade through such nonsense and
The English language has an enormous amount of words
encompassing various shades of meanings. For a writer's character to be angry,
the writer has many choices for his words in which to show a varied range of
that emotion from being mildly upset to an unadulterated rage, but it is the
actions of the character that pulls the reader in. What is happening? Using
swear words turns the focus off the character and his actions and puts it all
on a profanity-driven scene meant to shock the reader. Those unnecessary and
unimaginative words then become the focus and a distraction from the story.
When there are no standards, there is nothing held up as the
ideal, something to strive for, and as a result, all pieces of writing become
extremely subjective.
So how does a writer then stand out from his peers in a
highly subjective world? By shocking his readers, of course. In the quest for
attention, one writer after the other attempts to outdo everyone with shock
value, and this soon becomes a race to the bottom of the dung heap.